Fourneau wood-fired grills are excellent for high-heating cooking. We love making this grilled shrimp cocktail when it's too hot to cook inside. Full recipe below.
1 yellow bell pepper quartered
1/2 serrano seeded and sliced
1/2 jalapeno seeded and sliced
1 large carrot peeled and chopped
1.5-2 lbs tomatoes (mix of cherry & saladette or whatever is your favorite tomato, but the smaller ones cook faster)
1lb (16-20 ) raw de-veined tail on shrimp, patted dry or drained
Worchestershire sauce
2T salt
Garden Heat Acid League Vinegar
Fresh cracked pepper
Cilantro for garnish
On high heat, add to the paella pan peppers and tomatoes and blacken them or cook until soft and sweet
When done, remove from heat and add some ice cubes to cool them down.
While the plancha is still hot, stoke the fire and add the shrimp. Cook until they are orange on both sides, no longer translucent and a bit crisped (about 1 min a side). Remove from heat. While shrimp is cooling, make the cocktail sauce.
In a blender, add tomato/pepper mix with carrots, dash of worchestershire sauce, 2T salt (or to taste). Strain if it's chunky. Add a dash of garden heat Acid League Vinegar, fresh cracked pepper and taste one last time.
Chill the tomato juice or serve in a glass with ice cubes and chunks of avocado, cilantro leaves, and a couple of chopped shrimp with their tails removed. Garnish with a few whole shrimp, cilantro, and enjoy.